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How to access your IRS Tax Assessment (Demonstração de Liquidação de IRS) online

Follow these step-by-step instructions to check your Portugal IRS tax assessment online through Portal das Finanças.


After filing your personal income tax return (IRS) in Portugal, the tax authorities will issue an IRS tax assessment (Demonstração de Liquidação de IRS) for your taxes due.

Your IRS tax assessment is sent by mail to the address associated with your NIF. If you don't receive the document by mail or would simply like to check your IRS tax assessment online, you can do so through Portal das Finanças by following the instructions below.

Step 1: Log in to Portal das Finanças

1. Go to https://www.portaldasfinancas.gov.pt/

2. Click on the Iniciar Sessão button at the top right corner of the page.

portal das financas homepage

3. Click on the NIF tab.

portal das financas nif login

4. Enter your NIF number. Where can I find my NIF number?

5. Enter your password.

6. Click the Autenticar button.

log in with nif and password

Step 2: Navigate to the Financial Information section

1. Search for the keyword Informação Financeira using the search bar at the top of the page.

search for financial information

2. Find ”Informação Financeira” and click Aceder.

go to financial information section

3. You will see your financial information on this page.

filter for IRS documents

Step 3: Locate your IRS tax assessment

1. On the Os Meus Documentos (My Documents) tab, locate the filter for Imposto, select IRS, and click the Filtrar button.

filter irs documents

2. You can open the respective tax assessment based on the tax year in the "Periodo" column. Click the Id. Documento (Document ID) of the specific IRS document that you want to access.

select document id

3. On the details page, you will find the following about your tax assessment document:

English Translation

Identificação do Documento

Document ID

Sujeitos Passivos

Liable Persons

Registo CTT

CTT Registration

Referência de Pagamento

Payment Reference

Data Limite de Pagamento

Payment Deadline

Período de Tributação

Tax Period

Valor Emitido

Issued Value

Valor Anulado

Cancelled Value

Valor Pago

Amount Paid



irs note details

4. To access the document, click on the blue link beside "Total de acerto de liquidação sem juros - Liquidação" (Interest-free settlement total - Settlement) to initiate the document download.

5.Your document will be available on your computer and should look like the sample below:

porugal irs tax assessment downloaded on portal das financas
sample tax assessment